Passenger and heavy vehicle collisions with pedestrians: Assessment of injury mechanisms and risk (Accident Analysis & Prevention)
Automated Driving System (ADS) fleets are currently being deployed in several dense-urban operational design domains within the United States. In these dense-urban areas, pedestrians have historically comprised a significant portion, and sometimes the majority, of injury and fatal collisions. An expanded understanding of the injury risk in collision events involving pedestrians and human-driven vehicles can […]
The creation and application of harmonized pre-crash scenarios from global traffic accident data (ESV)
The development and test of future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD) AD functions requires sophisticated data from pre-crash scenarios. As real-world traffic provides an infinite variety of scenarios and vehicles are usually sold in many markets, valuable simulation datasets from several countries seem indispensable. The paper describes how we combined the […]
The knowledge for tomorrow’s road safety bases on harmonised data – the Global Safety Database does its contribution (ESV)
Road traffic accidents remain to be a leading cause of death worldwide with nearly 1.3 million fatalities each year (WHO Global status report on road safety 2018) [1]. To develop safety systems according to real-world challenges, harmonized information is needed. Therefore, vehicle and road traffic safety experts are constantly looking for real-world data to answer […]
Transfer of reconstructed real-world accident data into scenario catalogues for the development and test of ADAS and ADS (ESV)
The development and test of ADAS and Automated Driving Systems (ADS) require appropriate scenario data. To ensure the correct functionality and functional safety of such systems, an incredible amount of scenarios is necessary, containing normal, critical, and accident situations. These scenarios are usually used for virtual simulations. However, selected scenarios should be also physically tested […]
Verletzungsschwere und Verletzungsmuster bei älteren Verkehrsteilnehmern im Straßenverkehr aus Die Unfallchirurgie
Ältere Menschen sind oder bleiben zunehmend länger mobil und nehmen als PKW-Fahrer/Insasse, Radfahrer und Fußgänger am Straßenverkehr teil. Unabhängig davon, welche Rolle sie bei der Verursachung von Unfällen spielen, besteht aufgrund ihrer höheren Vulnerabilität eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit für schwere und schwerste Verletzungen. Im Fall einer Unfallbeteiligung erleiden ältere Menschen mehr und schwerere Verletzungen, was in […]