GIDAS data analysis

What we are working on with the GIDAS database:

By representativeness we mean the potential to benefit from a to draw conclusions about a population that is as representative as possible where certain elements of the population must have the same chance of being included in the subset.

To this end, we are guided by the GIDAS database model and its survey methodology, which Conclusions on the German Traffic accident historyby a survey team following a sampling plan to obtain "as many samples as possible". Representative subset of all traffic accidents reported to the police with personal injury at two survey locations in Germany, irrespective of the police objective, according to purely scientific aspects collect and document in anonymised form".


Despite the selection of accidents for the GIDAS database being as representative as possible, there are distortions compared to the official road accident statistics of the Federal Statistical Office. In order to eliminate distortions compared to the German accident statistics, the data from the GIDAS database is usually weighted before a descriptive analysis.

Reasons for distortion are:

  • Accidents that were initially recognised as "Accident without personal injury" are collected by the police, accidents with personal injury can occur in the further course of become apparent. For example, people present themselves to a doctor hours or days after the accident because (mainly minor) injuries only become apparent afterwards. Although this information reaches the police, it almost never reaches accident research. In addition, such an accident is excluded from the survey scheme according to the sampling plan and other accidents are documented by the GIDAS team. This results in a lower proportion of accidents with minor injuries.
  • Accident research relies on co-operation with the police. However, not every road accident with personal injury is reported, even in systems with automatic e-mail notification. The most common reason for non-reporting is the unknown severity of injury in the command centre. Accidents with serious personal injury or fatalities therefore tend to be reported more frequently.


VUFO usually weights the GIDAS database according to the following characteristics:

  • Location
  • Accident type (situation causing the accident)
  • Injury severity according to official definition.

Depending on the level of detail, the weighting can also be extended to other characteristic carriers (e.g. traffic participation type).

Weighting is not only necessary for the GIDAS database, but also for other national and international accident data sources that want to map a representative subset of the population. With the knowledge of the necessary characteristic carriers from other national or international accident data sources, VUFO can also carry out weightings for these data sources.

The basis for extrapolation to the population is the weighting of the data set to absolute accident or injury figures.

VUFO currently offers the following projections based on the GIDAS database:

  • GIDAS database on the German accident situation
  • GIDAS database on European accidents based on the CARE database


With the knowledge of the necessary characteristic carriers from other national or international accident data sources, the VUFO can also offer extrapolations for these data sources, e.g. for European accidents.

The statistical analysis of accident data is a core competence of VUFO, which also reflects the interdisciplinary approach to accident investigation. 

The aim is to minimise all types of empirical data The data is used to present all aspects of the accident in a clear and customised manner. This is based on the descriptive analysis not only based on the pure evaluation of accident statistics and databases, but also

  • monitoring market developments (e.g. development of the vehicle population or vehicle equipment with active and passive safety systems),
  • the inclusion of infrastructural data (e.g. traffic counts),
  • in analysing and evaluating biomechanical and medical aspects,
  • in the integration of other data sources that allow the accident events to be described in more detail.

In addition to the clear presentation of the content, all results are compiled according to scientific aspects in the context of the customer-specific task.

The individual case analysis is a scientific assessment of individual accidents according to predefined characteristics that are determined in consultation with the client. A very high level of detail can therefore also be provided.

With the help of this methodology, additional data can be extracted from existing GIDAS accident datasets, further increasing the level of detail and the informative value of analyses. The spectrum ranges from the re-coding of previously unrecorded features to the evaluation of individual case-specific aspects or measures by experienced experts.

The assessment of individual cases provides a broader perspective on the sample and thus completes the descriptive analysis.

What we offer:

The data analysis team will be happy to support you with

  • Enquiries in the area of descriptive analysis
  • the Application multivariate Analysis method
  • Information queries to international accident databases
  • Valuations representativeness
  • Weightings and projections of data sources
  • Enquiries about Training / further education measures in dealing with the GIDAS database  
data analysis vufo traffic accident research - researcher shows on screen.

The process:

We work closely with our clients to define the objective and framework conditions of your enquiry. We will be happy to show you different approaches and search together with you for the optimal solution.

Once the order has been placed, we start work and keep you up to date at regular intervals so that your concerns and wishes are taken into account in good time and we can guarantee you the best possible result. The prepared results can be used both in presentation form as well as a scientific report be made available.