Self-driving car at night, lights blurred

What is currently driving accident research

Here you will find current and scientific publications in which we have participated.

News from us

Publications in English

Bridging the gap: Mechanistic-based cyclist injury risk curves using two decades of crash data

Challenges in converting real accident data into ASAM OPENX format

Analysis of bicycle to car accidents at intersections

Analysis of bicycle to car accidents at junctions

Analysis of bicycle to car accidents at junctions

The ADAS experience

Real world accident scenario simulation

Real traffic accident scenarios for verification and validation

Leveraging the GIDAS Database for the Criticality Analysis of Automated Driving Systems (Journal of Advanced Transportation)

Passenger and heavy vehicle collisions with pedestrians: Assessment of injury mechanisms and risk (Accident Analysis & Prevention)

The creation and application of harmonized pre-crash scenarios from global traffic accident data (ESV)

The knowledge for tomorrow’s road safety bases on harmonised data – the Global Safety Database does its contribution (ESV)

Transfer of reconstructed real-world accident data into scenario catalogues for the development and test of ADAS and ADS (ESV)

Insights from accident data: Possibilities and limitations of calculating accident avoidability, accident and injury severity (SAFETYUPDATE)

Creation and validation of injury severity prediction models for the implementation in advanced ecallsystems (

Communication as a tool for accident prevention (C2C Forum)